Monday, August 10, 2009

Will Healthcare Bill Revive Government Programs

In a tweet from a fellow member on Twitter he sent this: Is it possible that obamacare is really a slick way to make social security solvent again? Thanks to InThe5th on Twitter for giving this tweet for me to look at this idea that healthcare reform may have another motive by the Federal Government and every idea that comes from Washington always seems to have multiple motives.

This started me thinking will healthcare bill H.R. 3200 infuse funds into the ailing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid programs. In part of this bill it is mentioned that fees will be assessed on all health and accident policies and that these fees should be considered as taxes. Some questions I have is does the accident coverage include our car insurance and will it include life insurance or even medical coverage in a homeowners policy ( I can see the taxes rising in fees now)? Only problem with the fees or taxes is that certain Government programs are exempt except those that are through insurance policies. Now the fees/taxes are to be paid by plan sponsor and the definition of plan sponsor is on page 833 of bill, okay you charge a fee/tax for health or accident insurance and who will ultimately pay for this? Let me make a wild guess the person or persons who have the coverage will pay this fee/tax and everyone who has insurance not under certain Government programs will end up paying.

This quote is from page 834 at the bottom of page:





Under certain income guidelines or circumstances and not just certain government programs should anyone be exempt from these fees/taxes this is ridiculous that they can even mention and I quote: any program established by Federal law for providing medical care other than through insurance policies. Many people think that without social programs we would all pay fewer taxes and on that point I disagree the government would just find another way to over tax us. And without some social programs many more people in this country would be destitute and before you say it, no I don’t believe people should be able to sit back and get a free ride from someone else. But I also know sometimes people need a helping hand, children need someone to look out for them when their parents don’t, many physically or mentally handicap people did not ask for their situation and even retired individuals who have paid all their lives into Social Security or had entire life savings stolen from them need someone to help them. I know some of you may disagree with me on social programs and all I have to say to that is one of the great things about America is that we can disagree, but still get along and learn things from each other. Okay now you know where I stand on these exemptions not that I believe in this healthcare bill, I just wanted to be clear about certain groups.

Now will Congress, the Senate or other Government employees be paying this fee/tax, (I would think not) why would anyone vote for a tax on themselves if they were in their position. Even the AMA’s new President J. James Rohack would support a nationwide healthcare plan like Government employees have or a private and public and private combined system.

One of the first things that caught my attention was a provision in the Social Security Act Section 1801 (42 U.S.C. 1395) Prohibition against any Federal Interference : Nothing in this title shall be construed to authorize any Federal officer or employee to exercise any supervision or control over the practice of medicine or the manner in which medical services are provided, or over the selection, tenure, or compensation of any officer or employee of any institution, agency, or person providing health services; or to exercise any supervision or control over the administration or operation of any such institution, agency, or person. Now I don’t about you but the wording of this code tells me they cannot enact this healthcare bill with some of the Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid provisions they have included.

The amount of money that will be collected in fees/taxes would in my opinion infuse much needed funds into the ailing Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Government programs. In this report JCX-31-09 from the Joint Committee on Taxation revenues will increase $583 billion over a ten year period (2010-2019), now keep in mind these are only estimates and I bet the increase in revenue will be much higher. Now to be fair to anyone that will say I have not provided all budget information the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the Federal Deficit Impact will be $239 billion and not the $1.5 trillion that I continue to hear from many, as stated in a letter to Representative Charles Rangel. This letter mentions and I quote: These estimates reflect effects of interactions between insurance coverage provisions and other Medicare and Medicaid provisions, now I would like to have them explain what these effects are to everyone. It also discusses effects on Social Security revenues that are classified as off-budget in addition to other provisions that would increase revenues or reduce spending in the ten year period. The letter also discusses and I quote: payments of penalties by uninsured individuals, firms that did not provide qualified health insurance and other firms whose employees would receive subsidized coverage. Now who decides who has to pay a penalty (more government red tape), what happens if you your income situation suddenly changes and you become uninsured. Per the bill H.R. 3200 we would increase the number of people that have health insurance, but in the letter from CBO it states that 17 million nonelderly residents will still be uninsured and nearly half will be unauthorized (illegal) immigrants. Do you think that all the immigrants will pay a penalty, but I bet all the 8.5 million legal residents will be forced to pay this penalty? Also the high income individuals over $350,000 would pay a percent based on income to add to these federal revenues.

Let me clear up one of the things I have heard over and over about the greedy insurance companies trying to block this bill and using right wing extremists groups at town hall meetings. First why would any insurance company not like this bill when an estimated 37 million people will get insured and more than likely still be serviced by these same companies? Not sure if most people understand some people on Medicare and Medicaid are insured through private insurance companies and not through a government entity directly. Also considering insurance companies are always betting that most people will use fewer dollars on healthcare than they have had to pay in for premiums. And add the added bonus if you drop your coverage they may be required to contact the government and report you (did not find this in the bill but I bet it will be added if not already there). On page 72 of the bill it mentions a Health Insurance Exchange for individuals and employers to a variety of choices of insurance coverage from QHBP offering entities (Insurance Companies). The insurance companies may not get every person in that 37 million but even 50% would add quit a bit of income to their bottom line. Add in the government bureaucracy and red tape in the denial of claims along with their own, many people may be stuck paying some medical bills on their own.

I cannot say I have read the entire bill and will more than likely not ever read it completely, but from what I have it looks like the possibility of a large amount of unexpected federal revenue. Also the many different areas they will likely explore in the future for more revenue will increase every citizens taxes, even lower income people will pay for the added cost in the many products they buy. One of the lessons everyone should have learned when gas prices spiked is that the extra cost to a company will be passed along to the consumer. And I don’t care what your income level we will all pay the extra cost for healthcare on the products we buy.

Thank You,

Average Citizen